Monday, February 14, 2011

A Happy Heart on VDay

Since I already logged in to add Laling's blog -- Inside Thoughts -- in my Blogroll, I thought of making a short post to commemorate this special day. Uh-huh, you heard me right or make that you read me right, hehehe. Today is indeed a special day because we're celebrating Valentine's Day. As I write this, I could already feel or sense that love is in the air. It seems that this day gives you that unexplainable feeling of happiness, inspiration or optimism despite the current turmoil that you're going through in your life -- be it in relationships, family-related or work-related concerns. So to all of you (whether you're in a relationship or not), I wish that may your day be filled with so much happiness and love. I believe that this day is not only for lovers. This is also a day that you celebrate with your family, your friends, and even yourself. Yep, that's right! Why? Because today, we're celebrating the meaning or the value of L-O-V-E. And love is not only limited to relationships with your special someone or with your family and friends. It also refers to the love that you give to yourself. Besides, you can't give something that you don't have, right? So love yourself first before loving others. Ain't that a great reason to celebrate? ;;)

Anyways, am done saying my piece here, hehehe. Time for me to say goodbye as I need to get back to work already. May all of you have a happy heart today and every single day! Hugz! >:D< >:D< >:D<

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